"This King, full of mercy and goodness.. Embraces me with love, makes me eat at His table, serves me with His own hands. He converses and delights Himself with me incessantly.. And treats me in all respects as His favorite."
-Brother Lawrence

Monday, February 20, 2012

I'm learning to love my Jesus again.
I'm learning to fall on my face before Him and live in the wake of Grace and Mercy every day.
The past 2 years have been rough, I'm not going to sugar coat it, but I'm also not going to dwell on what has been and miss out on what God has for me in this season.
I'm a new creation. There is nothing I've ever done, nothing I could ever do that will make God love me any less. I'm His little lady, I'm his delight, I'm His beloved.
My testimony is riddled with pain, regret and so many mistakes. Im not proud of anything I've done, I'm not here to glorify my sinful nature, I'm here to declare the goodness of God. I should be dead, but He's kept me here and if I never do anything notable in my life but love Him and worship Him, I'm ok with that.
I'm learning to get back to the simplicity of devotion, the freedom of living in the presence of the Spirit. The joy of loving my King above any worldly pleasures.
I've done it all, I've been in places and put myself in situations that have made me realize this, I never want to walk away from my Papa again. I would give my life if I could prevent just one person from having to feel the intensity of the pain that is living in this world without God.
He is worth it all. He is better than whatever this world can offer. He is abundantly good. Learn to love Him again, I promise you won't ever turn back.

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